Clarke Ruth


Clarke Ruth ist ein kanadischer Bass-Bariton und seit 2022 Mitglied des Ensembles am Stadttheater Gießen. 2023/24 hatte der junge Sänger spannende Rollendebüts als Sparafucile in Rigoletto und Prinz Gremin in Eugen Onegin.  Er sang zudem seine erste Barockrolle als Ariodate in Xerxes und debütierte als Nourabad in Die Perlenfischer und Abbot in Brittens Curlew River. 2022/23 war Clarke Ruth als Mocenigo in Caterina Cornaro, Quince in A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, Angelotti in Tosca und Publio in La clemenza di Tito zu hören.

Im Frühling 2023 sprang er als Alessio in La sonnambula in der Semperoper Dresden und als Phaneul in Hérodiade an der Deutschen Oper am Rhein ein. 2021 und 2022 sang Clarke Ruth regelmäßig den Escamillo in einer modernen Version von Carmen in der Theater Kantine in Düsseldorf.

Im Juli 2021 gewann der Bass-Bariton einen Preis beim „Concours International de Chant de Clermont-Ferrand“ und durfte infolgedessen während einer Tournee durch verschiedene Städte Frankreichs als Alessio in La sonnambula auftreten. Im Juni 2022 war Clarke Ruth Finalist in dem „Wilhelm Stenhammer International Music Competition“ in Norköpping, Schweden.

2020 nahm er an der Internationalen Opernwerkstatt unter der Leitung von Verena Keller teil. 2019 wurde er Stipendiat vom Richard Wagner Verband, erhielt das WDR Rundfunkchor Stipendium und sang ein Jahr im dortigen Chor. 2019 übernahm der junge Sänger auch den Bartolo in Le Nozze di Figaro in der Opernakademie Bad Orb und ein Jahr später den Vater in Hänsel und Gretel mit dem HofgartenOrchester Bonn.

Clarke Ruth erhielt seine musikalische Ausbildung an der University of Western Ontario und an der Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Köln. In Hochschulproduktionen sang er den Colline in La Bohème, Sarastro in Die Zauberflöte, Pistola in Falstaff, Simone in Gianni Schicchi, Collatinus in The Rape of Lucretia und den Don Alfonso in Così fan tutte.

Clarke Ruth is a bass-baritone from Toronto, Canada. Clarke is a member of the Ensemble of Stadttheater Gießen since the 2022/23 season. In the 2022/23 season Clarke performed the roles of Mocenigo in Donizetti’s “Caterina Cornaro”, Quince in Britten’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Angelotti in Puccini’s “Tosca”, and Publio in Mozart’s “La clemenza di Tito”. Opernwelt wrote of Clarke’s performance in “Caterina Cornaro”, “Überzeugend mit schlankem, giftigem Bass der Mocenigo von Clarke Ruth. In English, “Convincing with lean, venomous bass, the Mocenigo from Clarke Ruth.”In the 2023/24 season Clarke makes a couple exciting role debuts as Sparafucile in Verdi’s „Rigoletto“ and as Prince Gremin in Tchaikovsky’s „Eugene Onegin“. He is also singing his first baroque role as Ariodate in Handel’s „Serse“. Some other role debuts in 2024 are Nourabad in Bizet’s „Les pêcheurs de perles“ and the Abbot in Britten’s „Curlew River“.

​Clarke had some exciting jump in’s in 2023. In May 2023 he sang in the Semperoper Dresden as Alessio in Bellini’s „La sonnambula“. In June 2023 he sang in the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Düsseldorf as Phanuel in Massenet’s „Hérodiade“. And in October 2023 he sang in Theater Ulm as Angelotti in Puccini’s „Tosca“.

​Clarke has also sung in several oratorio concerts in the Stadttheater Gießen. He sang the bass solo in Bach’s Weihnachtsoratorium as well as Bach’s Magnificat and Mozart’s Requiem.

​In July 2021 Clarke won a prize in the ‘Concours International de Chant de Clermont-Ferrand’. This prize offered Clarke the opportunity to sing the role of Alessio in a touring production of Bellini’s “La Sonnambula” in the opera houses of Clermont-Ferrand, Vichy, Avignon, Metz and Reims.In June 2022 Clarke was a finalist in the Wilhelm Stenhammer International Music Competition in Norrköping, Sweden. The final round was performed with orchestra in the Norrköping Concert Hall.

​Since the Summer of 2021 Clarke has sung regularly as Escamillo in the modern interpretation of Bizet’s “Carmen” done in the Theater Kantine in Düsseldorf.

In the Summer of 2020 Clarke participated in the ‘Internationale Opernwerkstatt’ organized by Verena Keller. In the workshop Clarke worked with conductor Roland Böer and stage director Roger Vontobel on a variety of opera scenes which were then performed on a concert tour through Switzerland. In 2019 Clarke was granted two scholarships. The first was from the Richard Wagner Verband in Cologne which allowed him to travel to the Bayreuter Festspiel to attend their world class Wagnerian productions. The second was the WDR Rundfunkchor scholarship, which gave him the opportunity to sing full time in the WDR Radio Choir for one year.In the Summer of 2019 Clarke sang the role of Bartolo in the Opernakademie Bad Orb’s production of “Le nozze di Figaro” which was sung in German. Clarke has also often played the role of the Father in Humperdinck’s opera “Hänsel und Gretel”, most notably with the Hofgartenorchester Bonn in 2020.

​Clarke finished his studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in July 2022 with a Master’s in Voice. He studied in the studio of Christoph Prégardien. Clarke participated in two of the Hochschule’s main opera productions. In 2019 Clarke sang the role of Collatinus in Britten’s “Rape of Lucretia”, and in 2021 he sang Don Alfonso in Mozart’s “Così fan tutte”. Clarke also had the opportunity to participate in masterclasses from many esteemed members of the opera community including Peter Berne, Michael Hampe, Peter Konwitschny, Vittorio Parisi and Dietrich Hilsdorf.In Canada Clarke finished his studies at the University of Western Ontario in 2017 with a Bachelor of Music. His voice teachers were Brian McIntosh and John Mac Master. Clarke performed in many of the university’s opera productions. He sang Colline in Puccini’s “La Bohéme”, Sarastro in Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte”, Pistola in Verdi’s “Falstaff”, and Simone in Puccini’s “Gianni Schicchi”.

​Clarke is also a passionate Lieder singer and Church musician. He has performed Pilatus from Bach’s Johannes Passion multiple times, as well as Dvořák’s Biblische Lieder. In the Summer of 2017 Clarke attended the Franz Schubert Institut for Poetry and Performance of the German Lied. There Clarke was able to work with such Lieder greats as Elly Ameling, Helmut Deutsch, Julius Drake, Robert Holl, Roger Vignoles, Birgid Steinberger, Wolfram Rieger and Andreas Schmidt.